Bicitekas, Asociación Civil
For A Project To Improve Air Quality And Transit Integration Through Cyclists Advocacy
Date Awarded7/15/2014
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
Bicitekas is an association of urban cyclists that promote bicycles as a non-polluting transport mode in Mexico. Through this grant Bicitekas will advocate for higher integration of bicycles to the transit systems in main Mexican cities, supporting regulations for multi modal transportation planning and infrastructure, and for safety. The goal is to increase bicycle use, reducing private vehicle trips and improving air quality in main Mexican cities.
About the Grantee
Grants to this Grantee
for a project to improve air quality and transit integration through cyclists advocacy
Bicitekas is an association of urban cyclists that promote bicycles as a non-polluting transport mode in Mexico. Through this grant Bicitekas will advocate for higher integration of bicycles to the transit systems in main Mexican cities, supporting regulations for multi modal transportation planning and infrastructure, and for safety. The goal is to increase bicycle use, reducing private vehicle trips and improving air quality in main Mexican cities.
for a project to promote stricter air quality standards in Mexico through cyclists advocacy
Bicitekas is an association of urban cyclists that promote bicycles as a non-polluting transport mode and support the necessary infrastructure and regulations for the safe use of bicycles. We recommend renewing support to Bicitekas for their advocacy efforts to promote stringer air quality regulations in Mexico, and to train and create awareness among other groups of urban cyclists about their right to healthy and clean air.
for a project to increase awareness among bikers about the health impacts from criteria pollutants
Bicitekas is an association of urban cyclists that share the objective of promoting bicycles as a non-polluting transport mode and of supporting the development of the necessary infrastructure and urban planning process for the safe and free use of bicycles. We recommend a grant to Bicitekas for training and creating awareness among groups of urban cyclists on their right to health and better air quality, and developing a communications and advocacy campaign to update air quality standards in Mexico according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization.