Baraza Media Lab
For General Operating Support
Date Awarded6/21/2023
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
Baraza Media Lab is a physical space and online platform for Kenyan media practitioners to support innovation, collaboration, and new business models that advance public interest journalism. The lab will expand its presence and engagement across Kenya and East Africa. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Baraza Media Lab is a physical space and online platform for Kenyan media practitioners to support innovation, collaboration, and new business models that advance public interest journalism. The lab will expand its presence and engagement across Kenya and East Africa. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for support of its work to strengthen Kenya's media ecosystem
Baraza Media Lab is a physical space and online platform for Kenyan media practitioners to support innovation, collaboration, and new business models that advance public interest journalism. Over the next three years the lab will carry out research and pilot experimental projects that increase citizen engagement on issues of public interest. (Strategy: Transparency, Participation, and Accountability)