Austin Film Society
For Work To Create Supplementary Materials For Saving Philanthropy
Date Awarded11/21/2011
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
This grant to the Austin Film Society will support the creation of supplementary materials for screenings of the film Saving Philanthropy. The filmmakers have traveled the country to screen the film and facilitate discussions about the relevance of its content to philanthropic practice. Now, the demand is too great for the filmmakers to respond to every request--and they are getting requests from organizations unable to pay the costs of the filmmakers' trip. This grant will make it easier for a host (whether individual or organization) to show the film and lead a thoughtful discussion without the filmmakers present.
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for work to create supplementary materials for Saving Philanthropy
This grant to the Austin Film Society will support the creation of supplementary materials for screenings of the film Saving Philanthropy. The filmmakers have traveled the country to screen the film and facilitate discussions about the relevance of its content to philanthropic practice. Now, the demand is too great for the filmmakers to respond to every request--and they are getting requests from organizations unable to pay the costs of the filmmakers' trip. This grant will make it easier for a host (whether individual or organization) to show the film and lead a thoughtful discussion without the filmmakers present.