Article 19

For Promoting The Right To Information In Mexico And Globally Through Advocacy And Legal Assistance

Support for Article 19 would help the organization continue its work in Mexico and around the world to strengthen access to information. In Mexico, Article 19 is working on two fronts: implementing state-level reform of access-to-information laws and using access-to-information tools to track the delivery of public services in Mexico City. With previous support from the Hewlett Foundation, Article 19 has played a critical role in strengthening proactive disclosure of public interest information and protecting the legal framework for access to information in Mexico, which has faced serious rollback attempts in recent years.
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for promoting the right to information in Mexico and globally through advocacy and legal assistance  
Support for Article 19 would help the organization continue its work in Mexico and around the world to strengthen access to information. In Mexico, Article 19 is working on two fronts: implementing state-level reform of access-to-information laws and using access-to-information tools to track the delivery of public services in Mexico City. With previous support from the Hewlett Foundation, Article 19 has played a critical role in strengthening proactive disclosure of public interest information and protecting the legal framework for access to information in Mexico, which has faced serious rollback attempts in recent years.

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