American Institutes for Research

For Identification Of Deeper Learning Schools And Steps Needed To Scale The Deeper Learning Model

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    5.0 Months
  • Type of Support
American Institutes for Research proposes to study whether students in the Foundation’s Proof Points network of model schools have more opportunities to engage in rich instructional activities; have developed stronger deeper learning skills; perform better on state assessments; and achieve better postsecondary outcomes than they would have in other schools. The study will have three goals: (1) assess the degree to which students in these schools have better outcomes than students in matched comparison schools; (2) describe school characteristics associated with deeper learning outcomes; and (3) determine whether these outcomes are associated with high school graduation, college attendance, persistence and performance, and other student characteristics. This supplemental request would provide a second year of support for the study and allow the Institutes to increase the number of schools and students studied. In 2013, the Program will make a final funding request to the Board for this study.
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1400 Crystal Drive, 10th Floor, Arlington, VA, 20007-3835, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for support of the California Collaborative on District Reform  
The California Collaborative on District Reform, housed at and staffed by the American Institutes for Research, brings together researchers, practitioners, policymakers, funders, advocates, and support providers to solve problems of educational practice at the district and state levels. The group will support effective implementation, sustainability, and refinement of pandemic recovery efforts in California’s schools. It will do so by contributing to the knowledge base about local practices and by working with districts to improve tools and processes used for strategic planning and budgeting. (Substrategy: District Deep Dives and Networks)

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