America Achieves

For A PISA School Network Meeting

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    4.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
Every three years, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) conducts a worldwide assessment of 15-year-old students and ranks the countries by math, reading and science scores. In 2011, we supported the development and pilot of a "PISA for schools" test in the United States to provide, for the first time, school-level results comparable to international benchmarks and the performance of other participating schools. America Achieves proposes to conduct a meeting of school and state officials, data experts, and the PISA developer--the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development--to help schools, districts, and states to share data and encourage use of the PISA for schools test for learning and continuous improvement, as well as for international benchmarking. At the same time, the meeting will provide a venue to announce the international launch of the PISA-based Test for Schools and kick off the next round of U.S. school recruitment efforts for the test.
About the Grantee
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
America Achieves advances fair access to educational and economic opportunity by serving as a scale-oriented program incubator/accelerator — as well as an advisor and convener of key leaders. Since the organization was founded, it has supported projects advancing deeper learning and incubated, scaled, and launched educational policy and systems change initiatives, while advising dozens of top foundations and leaders across sectors. The grant will assist in the spin-off of remaining initiatives, conducting an effective transition, and wind-up for the organization.
for the Results for America project to improve use of evidence in federal budget allocations  
Today less than 1 percent of federal spending explicitly considers evidence of impact as a criterion for funding. Launched in 2012, Results for America seeks to create a new norm for allocating public dollars through "investing in what works," helping to drive public resources toward results-oriented solutions.

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