Amalgamated Foundation

For The Democracy Frontlines Fund

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Program

Amalgamated Foundation is a nonprofit committed to positive social change. It provides donors and funders with the tools, platforms, and strategic guidance to advance social change. This gift will support the Democracy Frontlines Fund, a collective giving and learning community, which is committed to reimagining safety, amplifying the voices of disenfranchised voters, and prioritizing leadership roles among diverse individuals and communities.

About the Grantee
Grants to this Grantee
for support of the Resource Equity Funders Collaborative  
The Amalgamated Foundation is the fiscal sponsor of the Resource Equity Funders Collaborative, a group of foundations organized to support national and state efforts to improve school finance equity. The Funders Collaborative supports state-specific research and advocacy efforts on education finance, as well as national activities to build the capacity of these coalitions and to monitor and document progress in making education finance more equitable. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)
for a new economy university centers meeting  
Amalgamated Foundation is the fiscal sponsor of the Global Fund for a New Economy, an organization whose mission is to build an economy that is fundamentally equitable and sustainable. The Global Fund for New Economy will host the annual Emergent Political Economies Network convening to advance work, ideas, research, and collaboration around post-neoliberal policy and economics.
for support of the Education Future Fund  
The Amalgamated Foundation is the fiscal sponsor of the Education Future Fund, a collaborative effort of a group of foundations to support the many organizations and initiatives that are working to ensure that schools work for all children and young people. The Education Future Fund will fund organizing and advocacy efforts by groups engaged in communications, legal, and policy support for education leaders. This grant contributes to the fund’s collaborative work. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)

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