Alianza Americas

For Sustainable Banking Digital Campaign Capacity

  • Amount
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  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12.0 Months
  • Type of Support
Overview, a fiscally sponsored project of Alianza Americas, is focused on educating the public on the core drivers of climate change through testing, innovation, and experimentation. will support a U.S. consumer banking campaign that’s focused on climate-friendly retail banks. They will create and implement consumer outreach and public power strategies to move members and supporters to switch to sustainable banks that will not finance carbon polluting industries. By implementing surge activism, consumer power strategies, and expert message testing, will help implement digital marketing and communications strategies to motivate Latinx communities to bank with climate-friendly banks. (Substrategy: Climate Finance)
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for sustainable banking digital campaign capacity, a fiscally sponsored project of Alianza Americas, is focused on educating the public on the core drivers of climate change through testing, innovation, and experimentation. will support a U.S. consumer banking campaign that’s focused on climate-friendly retail banks. They will create and implement consumer outreach and public power strategies to move members and supporters to switch to sustainable banks that will not finance carbon polluting industries. By implementing surge activism, consumer power strategies, and expert message testing, will help implement digital marketing and communications strategies to motivate Latinx communities to bank with climate-friendly banks. (Substrategy: Climate Finance)

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