
For Support Of A Pan-African Opinion Survey That Informs Policymakers About Citizen Priorities

Afrobarometer is a pan-African network that has been collecting data on citizens’ opinions about democracy, governance, and public service quality since 1999. Previously a project of CDD-Ghana, Afrobarometer registered as an independent charitable organization in Ghana in 2019. With this grant, Afrobarometer will produce analytical products that elevate African citizens’ opinions and priorities on contemporary issues that directly affect their lives. Afrobarometer will expand the number of users of its databases and thematic briefs in media, government, civil society, and academia; it will also track how its products are being used or influence development policies and priorities in Africa. (Strategy: Transparency, Participation, and Accountability)
About the Grantee
No. 95 Nortei Ababio Loop North Airport Residential Area, Accra, Ghana
Grants to this Grantee
for a survey module on climate change  
This grant will support Afrobarometer to ensure that the views and experiences of African citizens regarding climate change and environmental issues are reflected in national, regional, and international policy debates and decision-making processes. The two-year project will help Afrobarometer to produce, develop and implement a survey module on climate change, disseminate findings based on the climate change perception data, and conduct targeted stakeholder outreach to motivate accelerated climate policymaking and implementation. (Substrategy: China National Policy)
for support of safe abortion questions in Afrobarometer’s public opinion survey  
This grant to Afrobarometer (AB) will support the development, implementation and dissemination of a module on safe abortion within its annual public opinion survey across 40 countries in Africa. Afrobarometer is an independent, nonpartisan pan-African survey research organization that conducts public attitude surveys in more than 30 countries across the continent. AB’s mission is to make citizen voice a key pillar of Africa policy and decision making and is a grantee of our Inclusive Governance strategy. This will be the first time that public attitudes about abortion and other sexual and reproductive health and rights will be captured at this scale in Africa. This grant is aligned with the Global Reproductive Equity strategy outcome on safe abortion as well as the outcome on African narratives supporting SRHR public support for health policies and programs.
for Round 9 and Round 10 surveys and related dissemination activities  
Afrobarometer (AB) is a pan-African network that has been collecting data on citizens’ opinions about democracy, governance, and public service quality since 1999. Previously a project of CDD-Ghana, Afrobarometer registered as an independent charitable organization in Ghana in 2019. Its recent strategic planning process has crystallized AB’s overall goal to make citizen voices a key pillar of Africa policy and decision making. In addition, it has identified three impact goals: (a) produce high-quality survey data and analysis on African attitudes, experiences, and aspirations; (b) widely disseminate findings to Africa-related policy and development actors; and (c) build capacity for survey research, analysis, and communication, especially among the youth on the continent. This grant will contribute to enable AB to complete its Round 9 (R9) surveys; plan and start R10 surveys; analyze and disseminate survey results; and strengthen the capacity of young African scholars in research, quantitative analysis, and communication. During this grant period, AB will continue and expand its surveys and analysis to inform policy and development decisions at national, regional, and global levels. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)

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