Advanced Studies in Culture Foundation
For Support Of The Third Founding Project
Date Awarded5/14/2024
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
The Advanced Studies in Culture Foundation supports and amplifies the work of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, an innovative humanities and social science research center at the University of Virginia. Its mission is to understand the deep structures of culture that underwrite the changes taking place in the late modern world. The Third Founding Project operates from the premise that the cultural antecedents and infrastructure of liberal democracy have been both severely weakened and compromised, and therefore seeks at a fundamental level to address and mobilize the intellectual and institutional resources necessary for its defense and renewal.
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for support of the Third Founding Project
The Advanced Studies in Culture Foundation supports and amplifies the work of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, an innovative humanities and social science research center at the University of Virginia. Its mission is to understand the deep structures of culture that underwrite the changes taking place in the late modern world. The Third Founding Project operates from the premise that the cultural antecedents and infrastructure of liberal democracy have been both severely weakened and compromised, and therefore seeks at a fundamental level to address and mobilize the intellectual and institutional resources necessary for its defense and renewal.