COVID-19 Nonprofit Resources

Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAMS

We are compiling resources that may be helpful to our nonprofit partners during this difficult time. Below are links to a selection of COVID-19 resources and curated sites. We will update this list as new information becomes available.

Funding Opportunities for Nonprofits

Candid is compiling a comprehensive list of funds specifically established in the wake of COVID-19. View the full list of funds here. In addition to this list, Candid is also compiling RFP announcements here.

Candid also operates a website called GrantSpace, which lists grant/funding opportunities for the following groups:

Open Road Alliance has an open RFP process for grants and loans here.

** Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business has a searchable database of capital opportunities for nonprofits here.

** Global Resources are available from the Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) here.

CalNonprofits is maintaining a database of funding opportunities for nonprofits and individuals in California here. These include:

Financial tools and resources

Fiscal Management Associates offers a Payroll Protection Program Toolbox and additional resources such as:

  • Reserve Fund Policy Template
  • Cash Flow Projection Template (video tutorial)
  • Revenue Scenario Planning Tool

Nonprofit Finance Fund
offers resources including:

offers a decision framework for nonprofit leaders and boards, including financial decisions.

Additional Resources

Non-financial resources

Boards and Governance

  • BoardSource: A Q&A and collection of resources from a nonprofit board governance organization about the role and responsibilities of nonprofit boards in crisis situations, emphasizing the importance of steadfast leadership, adaptability, and contingency planning.

Centering Equity

The virtual world – telework and technology

Operations and fundraising

Staff well-being


  • Communications Network Coronavirus Crisis Comms Triage Kit: Membership group for nonprofit communicators offers detailed crisis comms tips, links to sample messaging from a broad variety of nonprofit groups in its membership, COVID-19 webinars, and more.
  • CDC COVID-19 Communications Resources: CDC’s official materials supporting COVID-19 crisis communications includes a social media toolkit, press materials, an image library and more.
  • CDC Crisis Communications Resources: A crisis and emergency risk manual for communicators based on psychological and communication sciences, studies in issues management, and practical lessons learned from emergency responses.
  • Frameworks Institute: Communications research org offers a new email series on framing COVID-19: sign up for email alerts and updates.
  • Resource Media’s Media Relations Tipsheet for Communicating in a Coronavirus Era: Nonprofit communications firm offers to-the-point advice on engaging media right now.
  • The Race Class Narrative’s COVID-19 Messaging Guide: Rooted in the research of Anat Shenker Osorio, this messaging guide emphasizes values of interdependence, mutual solidarity, shared purpose and collective action.

Employee and employer resources

Pro bono support

  • Catchafire is offering special assistance to any nonprofit whose work has been impacted by COVID-19, and their community of volunteers is ready to respond quickly to your needs by collaborating with you virtually and 100% pro bono.
  • BoardSource is answering and sharing questions that they are hearing from nonprofit board and staff leaders.

Resource hubs

  • hosts a comprehensive, US-focused resource hub for funders and nonprofits with everything from relief funds to resources for nonprofits to a summary of key articles.
  • Independent Sector offers “Information on COVID-19,” a curated list of resources and articles to help members of the charitable sector serve their communities.
  • First Nations Development Institute hosts a comprehensive resource hub focused on native communities across the US.
  • Council on Foundations offers a US, funder-focused resource hub.
  • **IDR offers a crowdsourced list of guidelines and practices for organizations, funders, and foundations in India grappling with the effects of COVID-19.
  • The World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control continue to be go-to sources for the latest developments and recommended actions.
  • BoardSource is answering and sharing questions that they are hearing from nonprofit board and staff leaders.
  • Bridgespan curated a list of articles and resources to help funders and nonprofits navigate this crisis and its implications.
  • Philanthropy CA compiled a robust list of links to COVID-19 information hubs, articles, equity-focused resources, policy briefings, and communications strategies.

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