Cathy Casserly on Open Educational Resources

Nice interview at Redstone Strategy Group’s blog with Cathy Casserly, who helped start the Hewlett Foundation’s Open Educational Resources (OER) work, and later served as CEO of Creative Commons, on the past, present and future of OER: What has the OER movement learned over the last 10 years? When we first released an openly-licensed textbook in the 

Is Big Data Like Teenage Sex?

This post was originally published at Transparency Talk, the Glasspockets blog. -ed. There’s a great quote about “big data” from Dan Ariely of Duke University that’s been circulating for the last couple years and is still spot on: Big data is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else 

Friday Note: 21 Escapes from Conference Call Hell

“At the sound of the tone, please state your name and press the pound or hash key . . .”  That phrase fills me with dread. Working on large collaborative projects with people located in many different parts of the world, I spend a lot of time on conference calls with 5-10 other participants. Sometimes 

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