State Hurting Education By Not Funding Data Collection

Hewlett Foundation Education Program Director Marshall Smith and Program Officer Kristi Kimball recently co-authored an Op-Ed for the San Jose Mercury News, which was published July 5, 2006, on the topic of student data collection in California. In the article, they write about how the quality of student data affects the state’s ability to effectively 

Trading Up – New York Times Op-Ed by Ann Tutwiler

Hewlett Foundation Global Development Program Officer and Managing Director for Trade and Development Ann Tutwiler recently co-authored an Op-Ed for The New York Times with Susan Sechler, director of trade and development at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. The Op-Ed, which was published June 26, 2006, focuses on the Doha Development Round 

Study Finds Air Pollution Costs Central Valley $3 Billion Annually

Premature deaths, hospital visits, and missed days of school and work are among the serious health-related impacts of air pollution in California’s San Joaquin Valley that drain the region’s economy of $3 billion every year, according to a new study conducted by leading researchers in the fields of economics and air quality. Funded by a 

Foundations Support Unprecedented School Finance Research Effort

The Gates, Hewlett, Irvine, and Stuart Foundations recently announced a $2.6 million research project called “Getting Down to Facts,” which will examine what reforms are needed to improve the effectiveness of California’s public school system, and how much it would cost to provide every child in the state with a quality education. A bi-partisan group 

Trust for Public Land Helps Create Parks, Playgrounds in Bay Area

What was once a parking lot adjacent to Bella Vista Elementary School in Oakland has been transformed into a modern playground where children now play at recess and families gather on weekends. In the Potrero Hill neighborhood of San Francisco, a park with outdated play equipment will get a major upgrade, giving the surrounding community 

Hewlett Foundation-Supported Commission Focuses on Global Economic Growth and Development

A new high-level, independent commission will help inform policymakers about the linkages between economic growth, development, and poverty reduction around the world. Funded by a partnership of the World Bank, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the governments of Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, the Commission on Growth and Development is comprised 

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