Featured Web Site: HippoCampus.org

  It’s a bit like having a personal tutor at your disposal. Actually, a lot of tutors. At HippoCampus, the Hewlett Foundation-funded web site that provides educational tools to high school and college student free of charge, you can hear and see a multimedia lecture on Thomas Paine or brush up on your AP physics, 

A Haven from the Street in San Francisco’s Bayview-Hunters Point

To the casual observer, this sunny, windswept corner of Bayview-Hunters Point seems like any other neighborhood in San Francisco, with a nearby espresso shop hinting at gentrification and the city’s signature hills rising in the distance. There’s no way to tell that the Third Street Youth Center & Clinic, which presides on this corner, was 

Featured Web Site: EdSource

No subject is more crucial to the future of California than fixing its flagging public schools. Yet clear, unbiased analysis about the issues facing educators and policy makers is increasingly hard to find. Falling readership has left newspapers short of education writers, and interest groups have their own agendas. For a consistent source of nuanced 

“Foundations” – A Q&A with Vic Vuchic, Associate Program Officer, Education Program

“Foundations” is an occasional series of informal question-and-answer sessions with employees and others affiliated with The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to give them an opportunity to explain their work. Vic Vuchic is an associate officer with the Foundation’s Education Program, where he works in its Open Educational Resources Initiative. For eight years before joining 

Saving the Pristine Forests of Canada

An international campaign to preserve Canada’s vast Boreal forests achieved one of its greatest successes this summer with the announcement that Ontario’s provincial government plans to protect more than 55 million acres-an area roughly the size of Utah-from mining and development. This announcement by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty marks one of the largest conservation deals 

Tom Steinbach Named Hewlett Foundation Environment Program Director

MENLO PARK, Calif. – Tom Steinbach, a program officer in The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s Environment Program, has been named its new director. In addition, Foundation Vice President Susan Bell has been named a Senior Fellow for Energy and Climate. Bell will direct a portfolio of environmental grants in the United States, Europe, China, 

Lawrence Mendenhall Joins Hewlett Foundation as General Counsel

MENLO PARK, Calif. – Lawrence Mendenhall, who helped direct legal affairs at The Pew Charitable Trusts in Philadelphia, will join The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation as its first in-house general counsel. Mendenhall, the deputy director of legal affairs at The Pew Charitable Trusts, has worked there since 1999, when he joined as a legal 

Barbara Chow Joins Hewlett Foundation as Director of the Education Program

MENLO PARK, Calif. – Barbara Chow, a domestic policy expert with broad government experience, will join The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation as director of its Education Program. Chow, who currently serves as policy director for the Budget Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, will replace Marshall Smith, whose term with the Foundation ends 

Transforming the Internet from a Library to a Classroom

You can’t just read an engineering textbook and expect to go out and build a bridge. And if you’ve never studied French, the odds are that having a French dictionary won’t help much when you ask for directions in Paris. If access to information were all it took to be educated, we wouldn’t need universities, 

Featured Web Site: Radio Bilingue

You might call Radio Bilingüe a Latino National Public Radio for California’s Central Valley. Growing from a single non-profit station in Fresno in 1976, it today comprises a network of six stations that serve agricultural communities across California and reaches throughout the nation with scores of affiliates. Radio Bilingüe’s mission is to provide critical information 

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