Michael Scott Joins Hewlett Foundation as Environment Program Officer

MENLO PARK, Calif. – Michael Scott, the executive director of one of the West’s leading environmental organizations, will join the Environment Program of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation as a program officer, the Program’s director, Tom Steinbach, announced today. Scott is the executive director of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition in Bozeman, Montana, a nonprofit 

Money Well Spent

Giving great amounts of money is not the same as great giving. It takes thought and planning for a foundation or an individual philanthropist to have the greatest possible impact. In their new book, Money Well Spent: A Strategic Guide to Smart Philanthropy (New York: Bloomberg Press, 2008), Paul Brest, president of the Hewlett Foundation, 

“Foundations” – A Q&A with Barbara Chow, Education Program Director

  “Foundations” is a series of informal question-and-answer sessions with employees and others affiliated with The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to give them an opportunity to explain their work. Barbara Chow is the new director of the Foundation’s Education Program, replacing Marshall Smith, whose term ends on January 5. Chow comes to the Foundation 

A Tough Neighborhood Helps Itself

At the corner of 11th Street and Macdonald Avenue in the East Bay city of Richmond stands the Winters Building, a tired grande dame whose ornate Renaissance and Baroque upper stories are at odds with its stark ground floor, which has been cemented over as if braced for war. And war, in a way, it 

A Note on the Economy

The final chapter of the global economic crisis has yet to be written, but with many in the nonprofit community doubtless worried about how to weather the hard times, we wanted to take a moment to share our thoughts and plans. The Hewlett Foundation and the organizations we support make long-term commitments to solve serious 

From Computer Games in Education to the Global Effects of Air Pollution

MENLO PARK, Calif. – From studying the use of computer games in science education to monitoring air pollution worldwide, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has announced $72,051,375 million in new grants to 177 organizations. Organizations receiving grants ranged across the San Francisco Bay Area and throughout the world in the Foundation’s six primary areas 

Teens in California’s Central Valley to Receive Counseling, Other Services

Fresno Regional Foundation Makes Grants With Hewlett Foundation Support MENLO PARK, Calif.-Teenagers in the Central Valley of California will have new prospects for a better life thanks to more than $350,000 in grants that the Fresno Regional Foundation has made with the support of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. In 2007, the Hewlett Foundation 

Featured Web Site: HippoCampus.org

  It’s a bit like having a personal tutor at your disposal. Actually, a lot of tutors. At HippoCampus, the Hewlett Foundation-funded web site that provides educational tools to high school and college student free of charge, you can hear and see a multimedia lecture on Thomas Paine or brush up on your AP physics, 

“Foundations” – A Q&A with Linda Frey, Global Development Program Officer

  “Foundations” is an series of informal question-and-answer sessions with employees and others affiliated with The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to give them an opportunity to explain their work. Linda Frey is an officer with the Foundation’s Global Development Program. Before joining the Foundation, she managed a variety of democracy-building projects in Latin America 

Improving Philanthropy One Data Set at a Time

There was a time when getting a grant from the Philadelphia Foundation was slow and onerous. They were awarded just twice a year, were usually small, and those applying were never quite sure they had the foundation staff’s attention. Then there was the six-month wait for an answer. While applicants politely seethed, the Foundation never 

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