Calculated Impact

Corporations, governments, and even people on the street routinely weigh the benefits and costs of their decisions, so why don’t philanthropists? By estimating the social return on their investments, funders can deploy their dollars more effectively. To demonstrate the power of these calculations, the authors show how three organizations – the Robin Hood Foundation, Acumen 

Strengthening Nonprofit Minority Leadership and the Capacity of Minority-Led and Other Grassroots Community-Based Organizations

Engaged over the last year, a group of foundations, known as the Foundation Coalition, found common interest in working together to help California’s nonprofit community broaden and deepen its ability to better meet the needs of all Californians. This report describes our planning process and our initial grantmaking activities to fulfill our commitment to the 

The Nonprofit Marketplace: Bridging the Information Gap in Philanthropy

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has partnered with McKinsey and Company to propose a path to a stronger nonprofit marketplace. The resulting paper seeks to answer two related questions: How can we help donors make smart philanthropic decisions? How can we ensure that the strongest, most effective nonprofits get the resources they need?

Closing The Gap

An advocacy strategy to increase demand-driven funding for family planning and reproductive health in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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