Ruminations on Research on Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are “teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. ”MIT’s OpenCourseWare and the Khan Academy materials are well-known examples. OER have different properties from proprietary materials because they are legally 

An Evaluation of the Knowledge Creation and Dissemination Strategy

Since 2000 the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has sought to inform, influence, and improve philanthropic approaches and decision making. An essential component of this effort has been the $24 million in grants awarded to 24 organizations as part of its Philanthropy Knowledge Creation and Dissemination Strategy.

Evaluation: Philanthropy knowledge creation

In 2013, Hewlett Foundation contracted Harder+Company Community Research, an evaluation and planning firm for the social sector, to provide an independent evaluation of the Hewlett Foundation’s knowledge creation and dissemination strategy and help inform future investments in this area. The evaluation approach was exploratory and descriptive and based on the premise that learning is the primary goal.

Education for Life and Work

Examines schooling and informal learning activities that prepare today’s students for adult roles as citizens, employees, managers, parents, volunteers, and entrepreneurs. For futher information see

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