To help ensure that more pregnancies are wanted and welcomed, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy—a private nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC— is expanding its work to include young adults in their twenties and early thirties while still maintaining a sharp focus on teens. The organization will promote responsible behavior and responsible policies that can help to reduce unwanted pregnancy while remaining deeply committed to being a bi-partisan, research-based effort that is grounded in common sense and practical approaches.
The National Campaign’s new focus is made possible by support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The Foundation has made a ten year commitment to preventing unwanted pregnancy and reducing the need for abortion in America.
A new analysis by the National Campaign indicates that about one in three pregnancies in America are unwanted. That is, about one-third—2 million—of the 6.4 million pregnancies in 2001 were unwanted. This figure includes:
- pregnancies that end in abortion (about 1.3 million)
- births resulting from pregnancies that women themselves say they did not want at the time of conception or ever in the future (about 567,000)
- a smaller number of miscarriages that were also from unwanted pregnancies (179,000).
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