California Forward

For General Operating Support

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    48.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
This grant to California Forward would support its ongoing efforts to fundamentally change the way government operates in the state. In 2007, five major California foundations, including Hewlett, jointly invested in this organization’s launch, reflecting shared concerns about the increasing dysfunction of the state’s fiscal and political systems. California Forward was conceived as a six-year project at a minimum, on the premise that its envisioned reforms would take several years to achieve even under the most ambitious scenario. The foundations’ original commitment was for three years of funding, with the expectation of three additional years of support if progress was being made. Over the past three years, the organization has focused on the following objectives: • Helping California’s institutions of governance become more fair, transparent, and responsive to the needs of the state’s residents • Improving the state’s and local governments’ fiscal performance by strengthening their budgeting processes and making their finance systems more rational and equitable • Improving communication between Californians and public officials by strengthening residents’ opportunities to participate more effectively in decisionmaking • Clarifying the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of state and local governments and agencies to make them more efficient, effective, and rational. With a number of notable successes since 2007, California Forward is now widely viewed as a trusted, bipartisan, public interest organization committed to making the state work. One of its early goals, the creation of a citizen’s redistricting commission (which took the form of a ballot initiative), was realized in November 2008. It has since played an important role in improving the implementation of the Citizens Redistricting Commission created through this initiative. California Forward also helped inform decisionmaking that led to an initiative to allow open primaries, voted into law in June 2010, and provided nonpartisan research on term limit options, expected to be decided by voters in 2012. With regard to potential fiscal reform, California Forward has developed a framework for a nonpartisan, comprehensive budget process that would create stability, improve decisionmaking, and restore public trust. Working with community, regional, and state leaders, the organization has developed a set of potential reforms that reflect best practices and broad public values, as reflected in endorsements, polling, and the analysis of independent experts. Over the next three years, California Forward intends to carry out a statewide conversation and engagement effort designed to support a fiscal realignment plan that shifts significant decisionmaking authority and revenue-raising responsibility from the state to local governments. The organization recognizes that in order to succeed, any fiscal realignment must meet the needs of a large coalition of Californians. This proposed grant includes evaluation funding. All five foundations that originally invested in California Forward are planning to renew their support for the organization this year.
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1611 Sycamore Ave, #5369, Hercules, CA, 94547, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for creating solutions to California’s wildfire crisis  
California Forward advocates for shared prosperity across all of California’s regions, and for improved government performance and accountability. California Forward hosts the California Economic Summit, a robust network that concentrates on ensuring all Californians have access to economic opportunity, stable housing, quality jobs, and a healthy environment. This grant supports California Forward’s ongoing efforts to generate solutions to the state’s wildfire crisis. (Substrategy: Wildfire)
for support of community collaboration in the Sonoma fires recovery effort  
California Forward will support Sonoma County’s recovery from the October 2017 wildfires by providing policy analysis and technical support to the County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa as they develop a county-wide agenda for meeting the housing needs for economic and community recovery. California Forward will provide analysis of effective government structures for joint decision making by the city and county, which will be necessary to regionalize housing production; pool and leverage financing and funding; share risks and benefits of development; streamline environmental review; and make equity, affordability, and climate solutions central to the recovery.
for the 50 State Solution project benchmarking electoral reforms  
Across sectors, ideology, and geography, reformers are working to advance policies to improve the overall health of democracy. Many of these actors remain unconnected, and few have a big-picture view of reform efforts across the 50 states. With this grant, California Forward and its partners will benchmark the status of reforms and reform efforts at the state and local levels in a "State of the Field" document. The partners will then convene an initial session of key champions on January 26, 2017, in San Francisco to explore the dynamics of reform efforts in campaign finance, redistricting, voting, and primary processes, and to explore options for developing a support network for reform leaders and organizations moving forward.

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