Fort Mason Center
For General Support Of The Cowell Theater's In Performance Series
Date Awarded10/25/2004
Term36.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for the Crissy Broadcast project
Chrissy Broadcast is a one-time site-specific musical event created by composer and artistic director, Lisa Bielawa, and developed between two decommissioned military bases, Chrissy Field in San Francisco and Tempelholf Field in Berlin. More than 500 professional, student and amateur musicians will participate in the "large-scale spatial acoustic music celebration" including Hewlett grantees, the San Francisco Girls Chorus, SF Contemporary Music Players, New Century Chamber Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony. The event will occur in October 2013 and it will be free to the public (without ticketing)