Issue One
For Support Of A New Publication Tracking Issues Concerning U.S. Democracy
Date Awarded10/23/2018
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
Today, Americans across the country concerned about the future of American democracy have no clear and comprehensive place to turn to for learning about the issues that affect the health of our democracy, what solutions exist, the efforts of leading groups working on these issues every day, and how to become a part of the movement. This grant will support Madison grantee Issue One in creating a new, editorially independent, daily online publication covering the political reform sector. The publication will fill a critical gap by providing a place to plug into efforts to make our democratic republic less tribal, our elections more competitive, our policy-making process more evidence-based and our Congress more effective. The publication will focus on local, state and national stories, and will be journalistic and politically balanced to help create and support a nonpartisan community searching for solutions.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for the Civic Business Initiative
The Civic Business Initiative, a fiscally sponsored project of Issue One, engages business leaders to support democratic norms, values, institutions, and processes.
for support of the Rebuild Congress Initiative
The Rebuild Congress Initiative, a fiscally sponsored project of Issue One, broadens and diversifies the ecosystem of leaders who are aligning on and working to advance the policies, norms, and narratives needed for American democracy to thrive in the 21st century. This includes cultivating networks, fostering deep dialogue, and, where possible, building consensus. The group does not propose or advocate particular solutions. Rather, it works to help key stakeholders explore deeply, critique, and think creatively about their interests and what is needed to protect and sustain the American experiment in self-government.
for general operating support
Issue One unites Republicans, Democrats, and independents in the movement to fix the U.S. political system and build an inclusive democracy that works for everyone. Issue One works to bolster U.S. elections, strengthen ethics and accountability, increase government transparency, and reduce the corrosive influence of big money in politics.