
For Support Of Monitoring And Evaluation For The Ministry Of Education Project

ID Insight generates and helps policymakers use evidence to inform decision making. With this grant, ID Insight will support Ghana’s Ministry of Education and Ministry of Monitoring and Evaluation in generating and using evidence to inform the government’s free Senior High School program. The goal is to improve student learning and graduation outcomes, and to demonstrate that this kind of evaluation partnership can improve high-profile government programs.
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44 Tehama Street, San Francisco, CA, 94105, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for support of SRHR data for decision making in Togo  
This grant to IDinsight will support a learning partnership with the Ministry of Health of Togo to improve its collection, management, and utilization of quality data for decisions related to family planning and other sexual and reproductive health (SRHR) programs. IDinsight will provide technical assistance to the Department of Maternal and Child Health, which oversees family planning, to develop the skills, tools, and systems needed to improve its data use, a request made by the Ministry of Health. This grant is aligned with our Global Reproductive Equity strategy and also the strategy of the Ouagadougou Partnership, to invest more in those countries within the region who struggle to meet their own family planning goals, which is consistently the case with Togo. (Strategy: Global Reproductive Equity)
for advancing women’s economic empowerment through the use of data and evidence  
IDinsight is a global nonprofit organization with entities in Africa and Asia that use data and evidence to help leaders combat poverty worldwide. IDinsight works with partners to deploy analytical toolkits that help to design better policies, rigorously test what works, and use evidence to implement effectively at scale. This grant supports evidence-based thought partnership and strengthening the Kenyan and Zimbabwean macroeconomic policy development system, while supporting gender-responsive macroeconomic policy implementation in Kenya and Zimbabwe. It also seeks to improve and enhance gender budgeting to support women's economic empowerment. (Strategy: International Women's Economic Empowerment)
for Data on Demand competitive analysis  
IDinsight designs, deploys, and promotes evidence-generating tools designed to help organizations combat poverty worldwide. The organization’s guiding principle is to inform decision makers' priorities, thus maximizing rigor within decision makers' budgetary, time, and operational constraints. The grantee’s goals are to (a) increase the impact of its direct support to decision makers, including by deepening and lengthening relationships; (b) raise expectations and lower barriers so that evidence is used for policymaking and implementation, including by lowering data collection costs; and (c) further enhance the organization's ability to attract and retain top talent. This organizational effectiveness grant will support IDinsight develop one of its fastest-growing service lines, Data on Demand (DoD). DoD is an initiative that delivers high-quality, representative survey data to social sector leaders, and fosters use of these data to improve decision making and impact in the social sector.

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