Partnership for a Secure America
For Support Of Legislative Negotiations Training Pilot
Date Awarded4/20/2018
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The Partnership for a Secure America works on Capitol Hill to promote bipartisan solutions to national security and foreign policy issues. Two previous grants supported joint negotiation training pilots developed and run with the Harvard Program on Negotiation. These programs trained Capitol Hill staff on best negotiation practices to improve congressional capacity to overcome policy impasses. Previous pilots, however, revealed a lack of existing simulations and cases based in a legislative context. This grant will support a Capitol Hill pilot program testing new training materials recently developed by the Harvard Kennedy School to address this shortcoming.
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of a project training legislative staff in negotiation rules and processes
The Partnership for a Secure America advances bipartisan solutions to critical national security and foreign policy challenges. An earlier grant supported a bipartisan group of senior congressional staff to receive intensive training in 2014 in the process of negotiation.This renewal grant will enable them to deepen their learning and apply it during the 114th Congress. PSA and the Harvard Program on Negotiation, who developed the original training, will collaborate on this phase also.The pilot project will indicate whether negotiation training, with subsequent reinforcement and practice, can help Congressional staff and Members work more effectively across party lines on national security and foreign policy issues.
for support of a pilot project training legislative staff in negotiation rules and processes
The Partnership for a Secure America is a nonprofit founded by former U.S. Representative Lee Hamilton and the late U.S. Senator Warren Rudman to advance bipartisanship on today’s critical national security and foreign policy challenges. This grant will help enable a bipartisan group of 40 senior congressional staff working on national security and foreign policy issues to undergo intensive training in negotiation. The training will be delivered through a pilot program that the Partnership has developed with the Harvard Program on Negotiation. This pilot will help the parties involved ascertain whether the negotiation training can help congressional staff and the members they support work across the aisle more effectively.