Amy Arbreton
Amy Arbreton is the Evaluation Officer in the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s Effective Philanthropy Group. The team, guides strategy, evaluation, and organizational learning within the Hewlett Foundation, and also leads grantmaking in support of organizational effectiveness and a strong philanthropic sector. She also supports staff across all program areas to commission, use and learn from evaluations.
Previously, Amy worked at Public/Private Ventures, a national social policy research organization, where she was a senior research fellow and director of the organization’s California office. In her almost two decades at that organization, Amy worked closely with foundations and nonprofit organizations in leading a wide variety of evaluations of programs designed to improve the health and well-being of young people across the country.
Amy holds a Ph.D. in education and psychology, a master’s degree in developmental psychology, and a bachelor’s degree in psychology, all from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She is the author or co-author of dozens of reports, journal articles, and scholarly papers.